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Membership Application


ACF Stakeholders, Inc. is a membership organization comprised of direct stakeholders who live in the ACF Basin as defined by the high ridge lines and indirect stakeholders who do not live in the basin. 


Current members range from large corporations to individuals.


Please note that to comply with Charter and Bylaw and Operating Procedures changes made at the December 2013 Annual Meeting and the Governing Board meeting, all new and renewing members must complete and submit this membership application form.


Becoming a member of ACFS is easy.


  1. Review the Membership Requirements before applying. Have questions about joining? Check out the FAQs about membership.

  2. Click here to access a printable version of the membership application.

  3. When filling out the application, select the primary and secondary interest groups with which you most closely associate yourself. Also, be sure to indicate your region. It is important to ACF to keep a balance of representation throughout the membership.

  4. You can send the completed form to us by email, fax, or regular mail. All contact information is listed at the bottom of the form.

  5. Payment options include online pay with PayPal (by credit card or e-check), or send in a check to the address listed on the form.

The purpose of ACF Stakeholders is to be a unified voice in the process of making plans for the future of the ACF Basin region. Water is our life source. Together, we will accomplish our mission and goals tied to ensuring the entire ACF Basin is sustainable for generations to come.

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